Author: Chris
This has been one hell of a week so far. I left home on Sunday to go to 3 days of management training. I was a little skeptical, but it ended up being one of the best 3 days of training I have ever gone through. UGS has decided to invest in a leadership development…
Some themed posts coming up
If there are any regular readers out there you will have realized by now that there hasn’t been much a of a theme to this blog since I started. It has always been a place for me to keep track of what is going on at any one point in time and share things with…
Welcome Levi
Well our heard doubled in size yesterday. We welcomed Spring for a Partee (aka Levi) to our farm after picking him up in Indiana. We searched for almost 3 months before finding him and we could be happier. He is a APHA registered paint with a bald face and one blue and one brown eye. …
Live from COFES – Mechanical Conngress
So I’m sitting in the Day 1 congress at COFES (the mechanical version) moderated by Peter Marks from Design Insight. Just a few random thoughts captured from the crowd: Too much functionality / too little functionality (that’s easy for a vendor to address!) Configuration management needs work Interoperability – the topic that everyone wants solved,…
Too much to do
Man have I been away for a while. There is almost too much that has happened since my last post. Let me see if I can hit the highlights: Made a few trips…to Seattle for an Microsoft briefing, to Plano for an internal meeting. Nothing much to report there, but I did start to capture…
A few more new gadgets
Picked up a couple of new gadgets in the past 2 days. On Saturday my 12 year old Canon LPB-430 laser printer finallt gave up the ghost. It was kind of sad to see it go – I printed my master’s thesis on that printer. I used Word Perfect version 8 running on Windows for…
Good bye old friend…
We had to say good bye to an old friend today, Gunner. He hadn’t been doing so well for the past 9 months and in the last 2 days took a severe turn for the worse. Looks like he had Leukemia and had also suffered a stroke in the past day or so. He was…
I love New York…in March
I was in NYC yesterday for the Microsoft launch of their “people ready business” initiative. We got in to JFK around 6 on Wedneday night and then headed straight to dinner at Tabla, a Danny Meyer restaurant. I love his restaurants, especially Union Square Café. Tabla is an Indian inspired restaurant and it was a…
Happy Birth Day
My kids b-day today…5 and 7…where has the time gone?