Author: Chris

  • Training

    This has been one hell of a week so far.  I left home on Sunday to go to 3 days of management training.  I was a little skeptical, but it ended up being one of the best 3 days of training I have ever gone through.  UGS has decided to invest in a leadership development…

  • Some themed posts coming up

    If there are any regular readers out there you will have realized by now that there hasn’t been much a of a theme to this blog since I started.  It has always been a place for me to keep track of what is going on at any one point in time and share things with…

  • Welcome Levi

    Well our heard doubled in size yesterday.  We welcomed Spring for a Partee (aka Levi) to our farm after picking him up in Indiana.  We searched for almost 3 months before finding him and we could be happier.  He is a APHA registered paint with a bald face and one blue and one brown eye. …

  • Live from COFES – Mechanical Conngress

    So I’m sitting in the Day 1 congress at COFES (the mechanical version) moderated by Peter Marks from Design Insight. Just a few random thoughts captured from the crowd: Too much functionality / too little functionality (that’s easy for a vendor to address!) Configuration management needs work Interoperability – the topic that everyone wants solved,…

  • Too much to do

    Man have I been away for a while. There is almost too much that has happened since my last post. Let me see if I can hit the highlights: Made a few trips…to Seattle for an Microsoft briefing, to Plano for an internal meeting. Nothing much to report there, but I did start to capture…

  • A few more new gadgets

    Picked up a couple of new gadgets in the past 2 days. On Saturday my 12 year old Canon LPB-430 laser printer finallt gave up the ghost. It was kind of sad to see it go – I printed my master’s thesis on that printer. I used Word Perfect version 8 running on Windows for…

  • Good bye old friend…

    We had to say good bye to an old friend today, Gunner. He hadn’t been doing so well for the past 9 months and in the last 2 days took a severe turn for the worse. Looks like he had Leukemia and had also suffered a stroke in the past day or so. He was…

  • I love New York…in March

    I was in NYC yesterday for the Microsoft launch of their “people ready business” initiative.  We got in to JFK around 6 on Wedneday night and then headed straight to dinner at Tabla, a Danny Meyer restaurant.  I love his restaurants, especially Union Square Café.  Tabla is an Indian inspired restaurant and it was a…

  • Happy Birth Day

    My kids b-day today…5 and 7…where has the time gone?