Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…
Day 365 – Massie Gap to Covington
One year ago, I set out on a through hike attempt. One year later, I am certain that it changed the course of the rest of my life, although many of the details of the extent and magnitude of the changes are still revealing themselves. There are far too many days, journal entries and walks in the woods…
Day 42 – Deep Gap to Massie Gap
Sorry for the delay in getting this post up about the last day of my TH attempt this year. To be honest, I’ve been slow on a lot of things related to my hike officially ending. My bag sat unpacked for a few days. I still haven’t been able to bring myself to remove my…
Day 41 – Lost Mountain Shelter to Deep Gap
The rain held off through the night and I slept well from 9 until about 3 and then from 4 until a bit after 6. It was enough. We had another lazy morning in camp, heading out a bit after 9. My PF hasn’t been getting any worse, but it also hasn’t been getting any…
Day 40 – stealth site at 477 to Lost Mountain Shelter
I got pretty good sleep last night – could just faintly hear Laurel creek in the background. We didn’t have a lot of miles today so it was a lazy morning. I got out of my hammock around 7 and retrieved the bear bag (side note: best hang ever last night. 40’ in the air,…
Day 39 – stealth site at 464 to stealth site at 477
Closer and closer to 500 miles. I slept well last night. It was cool but not cold and with no chance of rain in the forecast, I didn’t put up my tarp so when I did wake up briefly through the night, I did a bit of star gazing. I was up a little after…
Day 38 – Low Gap to Stealth site at mile 464
So last night the party seemed more subdued. Or maybe I was just more exhausted. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and slept through the night until a little after 6. I spent 30 minutes or so packing things up inside the tent then got up to survey the carnage.…
Day 37 – Zero at Damascus / Trail Days
Last night was a little rough but some Bonnaroo experience got me through it 😝. The drum circle continued until about midnight and then the after party started…right next to our tents. It involved some free party favors and long conversations about totally inane topics a few downpours and other noise I’m likely forgetting, all…
Day 36 – Stealth site at mile 448 to McQueen Gap to Damascus
The perfect hang, good dinner (knorr Mexican rice with chicken burritos + cheese and hot sauce), porch mode and nearly silent forest (for maybe the first time) lead to a great night of sleep. I was out before 8 and woke up at first light, a little after 6. With only a little over 11…
Day 35 – Stealth site by Wilbur Dam road to stealth site on mile 448
So now I remember why I don’t sleep by roads. It wasn’t so much the constant traffic as it was the one car that rolled in about 11 o’clock and stayed until about three opening and closing their door seemingly every 15 minutes I’m not sure what that guy was up to, but it was…