Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…

  • There's more than just me

    While I appreciate the link, I don’t want anyone to think that I am a blogger for UGS.  Yes, I do work at UGS and yes I do blog about things that I find interesting in the course of my work at UGS, but this is my blog (not UGS’s) and I say what I…

  • Holiday

    .!. Yesterday was my last official day at work for the year.  Yes, I am one of those people that didn’t take their vacation through the year and since we have a “use it or lose it policy” at UGS, I am using it.  So the posts may be light in the next few weeks…

  • Google opens another front on the (secret) war with Microsoft

    While they still don’t admit they are targeting Office (although I was using Google spreadsheets yesterday and it was a great experience), Google unleashed their latest salvo on Microsoft, this time targeting developers. This is an interesting play right in the backyard of Microsoft = developers. Google Web Toolkit – Build AJAX apps in the…

  • Ralph noticed…did you?

    .!. WorldCAD Access: IBM Expands Presence in PLM

  • Data exchange

    There’s something more to this than I can put into words right now. The idea of posting data sets for all to use is amazingly interesting to me. I guess all those years of regression analysis in Quattro Pro while in engineering school are coming back to haunt me. Whatever it is, the idea of…

  • 3DMojo – taking more swipes at PLM marketing

    .!. Well a few weeks ago it the guys over at 3DMojo had a problem with “express”. Now they have a problem with “turnkey “. While I’ll give them that the use of the word turnkey is definitely a flash to the past, I’m not so sure I agree with the key part of their…

  • This is good to hear

    Especially from the heart of what many see as the opposite of a manufacturing based economy (no, not the IFTF…Silicon valley): The book starts with one vast insight about the nature of technology. This is it: manufacturing isn’t boring. Figuring out how to produce thousands or millions of units of complicated, high-performance components requires as…

  • My personal army

    This in via Boing Boing today.  An interesting application of build to order concepts.  Imagine this taken one step further: users could upload body, clothing and weapon designs and Vicale could manufacture them.  If a user thought they had done something really cool, they could open up a shop on Vicale and sell their action…

  • The 20 smartest companies to start now – September 1, 2006

    While I applaud the journalists for getting this story, I have to ask what in the h*ll the VC’s were thinking? They are going to get hammered with every hair brained scheme ever conceived. Their motivations aside, I found this one of the more interesting articles from CNN in a while. After all who doesn’t…