Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…

  • In Redmond Today for Microsoft Platform Strategy review

    Came into Redmond yesterday morning for a few meetings on the Microsoft campus.  Today I attended the first day of the Platform Strategy review which is held every so often by the Developer and Platform Evangelism group.  The last one I attended was in 2003, which it turns out was the last one that was…

  • Innovation is a Team Sport Podcast: Jim Brown, Aberdeen

    Another one of the recordings that John captured at PLM Europe last week.  This is the introductory discussion in the Innovation is a Team sport track, delivered by Jim Brown of the Aberdeen Group.  Jim discusses the results of research conducted 12 months ago that shows a direct link between open data standards and the ability…

  • Salesforce tries to become the 5th solar system in Enterprise IT

    With the announcement of APEX last week, Salesforce.com has thrown down the guantlet in the ring of Enterprise IT platform providers.  They are trying to join the world of IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and SAP.  In many senses, their approach to the enterprise market is very similar to the approach that Google has to the consumer market…

  • GillmorGang…I must love this show

    GillmorGang was one of the first pocasts I subscribed to (right after The Daily Source Code…I guess that was all ‘back in the day’). I stayed a subscriber, even when there was a long hiatus. It remains one of the shows I listen to first. The discussion is usually very compelling, even when its moronic.…

  • Youtube in the Googplex

    I have been experimenting with Youtube in the past few weeks for screencasts and hosting clips I want to blog about.  After the acquisition by Google last week, I have seen some serious performance degradation.  I am wondering if the news of the acquisition has caused a wave of new users that is punishing their…

  • Podpress is still the coolest wordpress plugin ever

    I wrote a few weeks ago about the newest WP plugin I was trying out, Podpress.  I’ve had a few more weeks to play around with it, and there is more and more to like.  It really makes the media experience, bith creation and consumption, simpler and richer at the same time.  The one ‘issue’…

  • Innovation is a Team Sport Podcast: Alan Walker, Siemens

    This is one of a few podcasts that John was able to capture at PLM Europe Last week. They are all from a track session focused on how the JT Open community (that we are active members of) helps end user and vendor members drive more innovation into their products. Alan Walker from Siemens Power…

  • One thing I've got to hand it to Google on

    They always do great mobile versions of their products.  The mobile version of gmail is great (used it exclusively when I was in Europe last week) and it the mobile version of reader looks to be no different.  I am still leaning towards Newsgator as my primary reader, but the lack of a viable mobile…

  • Trying out Google Reader

    I am a big fan of a few things that Google does: search (duh), mail (semi-duh) and even something from the labs, Google Analytics (which I use on this site).  I’ve dabbled a few times with the newly named docs and spreadsheets stuff but I think those are products that require a collaboration scenario (i.e. more…