Author: Chris

  • Holiday

    .!. Yesterday was my last official day at work for the year.  Yes, I am one of those people that didn’t take their vacation through the year and since we have a “use it or lose it policy” at UGS, I am using it.  So the posts may be light in the next few weeks…

  • Google opens another front on the (secret) war with Microsoft

    While they still don’t admit they are targeting Office (although I was using Google spreadsheets yesterday and it was a great experience), Google unleashed their latest salvo on Microsoft, this time targeting developers. This is an interesting play right in the backyard of Microsoft = developers. Google Web Toolkit – Build AJAX apps in the…

  • Ralph noticed…did you?

    .!. WorldCAD Access: IBM Expands Presence in PLM

  • Data exchange

    There’s something more to this than I can put into words right now. The idea of posting data sets for all to use is amazingly interesting to me. I guess all those years of regression analysis in Quattro Pro while in engineering school are coming back to haunt me. Whatever it is, the idea of…

  • 3DMojo – taking more swipes at PLM marketing

    .!. Well a few weeks ago it the guys over at 3DMojo had a problem with “express”. Now they have a problem with “turnkey “. While I’ll give them that the use of the word turnkey is definitely a flash to the past, I’m not so sure I agree with the key part of their…

  • This is good to hear

    Especially from the heart of what many see as the opposite of a manufacturing based economy (no, not the IFTF…Silicon valley): The book starts with one vast insight about the nature of technology. This is it: manufacturing isn’t boring. Figuring out how to produce thousands or millions of units of complicated, high-performance components requires as…

  • My personal army

    This in via Boing Boing today.  An interesting application of build to order concepts.  Imagine this taken one step further: users could upload body, clothing and weapon designs and Vicale could manufacture them.  If a user thought they had done something really cool, they could open up a shop on Vicale and sell their action…

  • The 20 smartest companies to start now – September 1, 2006

    While I applaud the journalists for getting this story, I have to ask what in the h*ll the VC’s were thinking? They are going to get hammered with every hair brained scheme ever conceived. Their motivations aside, I found this one of the more interesting articles from CNN in a while. After all who doesn’t…

  • What digital divide?

    When I see sites like this start up (and gain even a modicum of success) it really makes me question the concept of the digital divide existing at all.  The target audience of Jackass (and now the internet equivalent) is not exactly the white collar crowd. Techcrunch » Blog Archive » Darejunkies Is A Social…