Author: Chris

  • Football Season (i.e Soccer)

    It was my son’s first soccer game today. He’s three, and for those of you who have never seen 3 year olds play soccer, it’s a great analogy for everday life. There always seems to be one or two kids that “get it” and run around everyone else and score all the goals. Then there…

  • Limbo

    Had “the big talk” with the boss today. Looks like I got a stay of execution while we work out what we’re actually going to do with my group and hire my permanent boss (to replace the CEO who is reporting to himself as my boss now!) Now I have to rely on the fact…

  • Work to live or…

    My boss, who also happens to be the CEO of the company, asked me a really hard question last Friday: he wanted me to “think about” moving to Texas. This is at once a great compliment and also a huge problem. Its a great compliment because he obviously sees me as someone who can contribute…

  • Recovered (mostly)

    A little accident recovery update. I am back to running 3-4 miles at a strectch and almost doing a full weight routine, although it will still be a few months before I build back my upper body strength to where it was. I was benching about 120 before the accident and I’ve had to scale…

  • Busy weekend

    Damn, I’ve been busy lately, especially on the weekends. 3 weekends ago it was the opera and the Kenton county fair. 2 weekends ago it was Kings Island. Last weekend was the Boone county fair and the Indy race and the Kentucky Speedway. It seems this summer has just flown by. When I was a…

  • I'm Back!!!!

    Well, hopefully some of you may have noticed, but this blog has been down for quite some time. I had a slight power supply failure in my home server and after exporing all the options (to replace the original would have been about $80!), I decided for a slightly frankenstein looking contraption with a powersupply…

  • Partners, partners everywhere

    Went to the Microsoft Worldwide Partner conference over the weekend in Toronto. Was a fairly good event, although I didn’t get nearly as much out of it as I did last year. I think there were several factors that contributed to this: this was the 2nd year I’ve gone, so there wasn’t as much new…

  • Back at work

    Been back at work for a few weeks now. My collar bone is still broken and it’s really starting to become a serious inconvinience. Not much pain, but whenever I “forget” and lift more than about 5 pounds, it reminds me. My stitches have healed up nicely, although of course there are two nice scars.…

  • On Vacation

    Well, this will be the first non-injury related post in almost a month. We left for vacation last Saturday and have enjoyed the last few days in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The drive here was great in the new truck…the kids really seemed to enjoy the DVD player. The house is ultra-cool. Swimming…