Author: Chris
Bike riding
So, I have to say the biggest acheivement for me this year has been teaching my daughter how to ride a bike. She finally got it last night and I don’t think I’ve seen her smile so much since Christmas. We had originally bought her a new bigger bike without training wheels, but ended up…
All tech'd up and no place to go (I wish!)
Really have been getting alot fo cool tech stuff done lately. Have gotten into the podcasting thig in a serious way. It’s still too hard to find casts I’m interested in, but its still small and clubbly, like the early days on the internet. Alot of fun and I forgot how much I like just…
Too much travel
I have been travelling way too much laetly. I have been home for only two complete weeks this entire year and it looks like I won’t be home for another entire week until June. I really need to get some more people on board to get some of the work done. Just feels like no…
I love March
Go CATS! Really excited about March this year. For the first time in 3 years, the cats have made it past the first round and are in the sweet 16. I have really enjoyed the games in this year’s tournament and am really looking forward to the games this weekend. We have Utah first, which…
Whoa…been too long
Boy, has it been a while since my last post. I have been travelling every week this year so far save one and it looks like that will continue for the forseeable future. I almost liked it better when we were downsizing and sisn’t have money for web coferences, much less plan tickets! Seriously,…
As you can plainly see in from the lack of posts (been a month since the last one) on my blog, it seems to be loosing some steam. I’m stil really fascinated by the concept and the technology, I’m just finding it harder than I though to make it part of my daily routine. I…
Hendrick Memorial
I had the honor of attending the memorial service for several friends of mine that were killed in a plane crash last Sunday. There were 10 souls that were lost, although I only knew 4 of them and of those 4, and 1 really well. The memorials were all wonderful and were true celebrations of…
Back from Europe
Spent a week in Paris and London lately. Had a great time in both, but really had a good time in London. The pubs were great and the people were really nice. My wife came over for one day in Paris and we spent the weekend in London. I had a work day on Monday…
Balancing act
I find myself increasingly trying find balance between seemingly conflicting forces in my work life. I have a fundamental need to be involved and to feel like I’m making an impact. This is driven by my need to contribute (which is a positive feeling), but increasingly it is also driven out of fear that we…