Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…

  • On my way to Tokyo

    I’m blogging this from seat 1D on DL flight 55 (yes, the boarding door is still open).  This will be the longest flight I have ever been on.  Fortunately I am in business class, so it shouldn’t be so unbearable.  Still 14 and a half hours is a long time to spend in any one…

  • PDF opens even more

    .!. While I (and I imagine a lot of people) thought that PDF was already managed by ISO or some other standards body, evidently I was wrong.  According to a press release issued today they are routing a version of the PDF spec through a process that will result oversight by ISO.  Of course the…

  • BatteryGeek update

    I’m not out of the woods yet, but things are looking up for me getting some use out of the extended battery I bought from Battery Geek. As I posted previously, I had a terrible time at first with them getting a battery that worked.  I sent an RMA in that was gone of more…

  • Microsoft weighs in

    Didn’t know Eddie was blogging, but it seems he noticed our little news yesterday.  I agree Eddie, we have come along way.

  • Microsoft takes notice

    I didn’t realize that Eddie was blogging, but the more I think about it I can’t believe I didn’t assume he has been blogging all along and I should have been reading his stuff. Anyway, he goes way back with UGS and as a Microsoft tech evangelsit extraordinare he knows quite a bit about Siemens. …

  • Phew!

    .!. Sorry for the really slow posting the past week or so, but as you may have seen we’ve been a bit busy at UGS.  We announced last night that Siemens AG has signed a definitive agreement to acquire UGS Corp and expect it to close in 60 to 90 days.  This is a really…

  • Really good parody web site

    This is one of the funniest parody web sites I have seen in a long time. Get a First Life: A One Page Satire of Second Life Inkheart movies

  • Finally a way to justify my procrastination

    As an engineer (by degree anyway) this was all I needed: a formula to project what I will procrastinate on! Science & Technology at Scientific American.com: Why Do Today What You Can Put Off Until Tomorrow — A 10-year study of procrastination provides insights into–and a formula for–human motivation

  • A faster way to get to work

    Many of you may know that I moved last year a bit farther away from my office last year so we could get the farm we had been looking for.  I have about a 100 mile round trip commute each day.  The nice thing about it is that I am traveling against traffic each way…