PDF opens even more


While I (and I imagine a lot of people) thought that PDF was already managed by ISO or some other standards body, evidently I was wrong.  According to a press release issued today they are routing a version of the PDF spec through a process that will result oversight by ISO.  Of course the key thing to note is that it is a version of the spec.  They will likely maintain the right to rev the spec, but by doing this customers everywhere can relax knowing that data they store in PDF will be accessible regardless of the future or their particular relationship with Adobe.
The two questions I have are:
1 – Is this a path that we should pursue with JT Open?  We have used PDF as a model for what we wanted to get done there, so maybe this is the most logical next step.
2 – What does this mean for Microsoft use of PDF? I think its ridiculous that Adobe makes them distribute the PDF plugins as a separate download.  It makes no sense, especially when you consider that Adobe has made no noise about Apple delivering PDF capabilities out of the box with every copy of OS X.  I know the market shares are drastically different, but in principle it is the same action.
Adobe – Adobe Press Room: For immediate release






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