Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…
Straight from my newest gadget
So I am really geeking out tonight. Just got back from a two day trip to Chicago and the Nokia N800 that I ordered last week had shown up. Its amazingly thin and light. I’ll have to see how the battery does. I got it connected to my home wifi pretty easily, although it was…
Now I am really glad I stopped drinking soft drinks this month!
Caution: Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health – Independent Online Edition > Health I am really liking the diet Lipton white and green teas…more and more after reading this!
New grill
After lusting after them for over a year, I finally bit the bullet and bought a Big Green Egg this weekend. I first tried some of the food off of one last summer and have wanted one ever since. It took me a bit longer to get assembled than I would have thought at first…
Summer schedule
With the Memorial day having passed, I have officially started my summer hours. It’s funny how going to school for 20-odd years grinds the semester model of getting work done into your brain. As soon as June gets here, it seems that almost everyone in the business world takes their foot off the gas just…
Update to Home Media System
I have been a Mythtv user for over 4 years. I built my first mythbox (like most people) from a spare PC I had. I think it was version 0.13. About a year later I went all in and purchased a top of the line (at the time) machine specifically to dedicate to mythtv along…
The consolidation continues
Saw the news late last night that Oracle has announced its intent to acquire Agile. Maybe this is the recognition the PLM market has been waiting for. Maybe the sign that PLM has made it as an enterprise app is when its owned by an enterprise app company…maybe. Maybe not. I’ll have to think about…
Back in Europe this week
I arrived in Barcelona yesterday morning. Only here for a few days, but when I got to my hotel from the airport my room wasn’t ready so I checked my bag, grabbed my camera and hit the town After walking towards the big hill (it looked a lot closer than it turned out to be)…
When pigs fly
Yesterday I ran in a 4 person marathon relay team in the 9th annual Cincinnati Flying Pig marathon. I ran the 4th leg of the relay which is a 6.9 mile distance. I have been training for a few months with my team from the RC Durr YMCA. I have to say it was much…
Another SL Tour
Just a quick link to a SL tour I created a week or so before launch. Far less polished than the official tour (and the voice work is terrible ;-)), but thought it was worth linking to if you want a ‘linear’ tour of what we’re up to there.