Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…

  • Lock-in via the ecosystem

    Well I was somewhat dissappointed in the iPod announements on Tuesday.  As I blogged earlier, I lost my 30 GB 4G iPod about 10 days ago and I was waiting for the new iPod announcement before deciding what to replace it with.  If Apple had come out with the widely anticipated ‘true’ video iPod that…

  • Initial Vista / Tablet impressions

    As I ink blogged a few days ago, I installed Vista RC1 on my TC1100.  The install process worked fine and was complete in about 40 minutes.  It took me a bit longer to get the button drivers to work (the trick is to set the properties on the installer to run in Windows XP…

  • PLMexchange: Why NX CAD

    I’ve been reading these guys for a while and this is an excellent post (and not just because they like our CAD tool) that describes what a user considers when making a buying decision. Why NX CAD?

  • Two great (and free) video tools

    In addition to posting a lot about video yesterday, I have been doing a lot of work with video for my job. Two tools that I find indespensable are: MMConvert: allows you to quickly and easily (in one step most of the time) convert from one video format to another. Supports all the codecs you…

  • Vista RC1 on my TC1100

  • SAP: Agassi describes the future of SOA

    OK, last video (for the day). This one is a really intesting take on where SAP is headed and how it sees SOA impacting the future of business.  I’m not quite sure I buy the idea that SOA enables companies to change their entire business model being all that important (discussed near the end of…

  • UGS on Channel 9

    I guess it must be video day today. We shot this with the Channel 9 guys back in May, but they just got it posted a few weeks ago. From the comment thread it looks like it is a bit controversial (for being ‘too commercial’). I am admittedly biased, but I think that the Charles…

  • Updated my T-mobile MDA to 2.26 "clean" ROM

    So my T-Mobile MDA thinks it’s a T-mobile MDA again. It had thought it was a Imate KJAM for the past few months. I missed this when it first happened, but was looking around for something else when I stumbled acorss an updated ROM from T-mobile. I installed and ran with that for a few…

  • YouTube and advertising

    Although YouTube has been on my radar for a few months, I didn’t really think of it in a work context until today. I was reading Ralph Grabowski’s upfront e.zine and saw some stat’s on the number of videos and views that SolidWorks has on Youtube. So, I thought I would do a quick search…