Author: Chris
Playing games
Most insightful post I’ve read today day: Go Big Always – Productivity software should learn from game design. download without evidence free What if our current productivity software was a game. It would suck. We’d be asked to save the princess but not be able to see a map, where the other players are, or…
A future for all the script kiddies and geo hackers in second life
A few days ago we issued a press release (I know, how old school ;-)) on a new feature on the Siemens Innovation Connection in Second Life. I had been meaning to blog about the addition for a few weeks, but just got caught up in other things. Maybe this will be the one time…
Kendall getting her ears pierced
Kendall getting her ears pierced Originally uploaded by aakelley Wow…I’m getting old. watch 2010 in divx
Finally – a practical application for a Stirling engine
As one who has built my fair share of my own PCs and someone who endured a Junior year of Engineering Thermodynamics, this story Missing Lynx movie download has a special appeal to me. I have always been fasinated with the working model stirling engines that you can sit on your desk, but until now…
Etsy the new Ebay?
.!. John told me about Etsy damien omen ii divx online a few months ago and I checked them out at the time. Pretty cool concept and way for artists to get an audience and a following that is much bigger than they could likely develop just doing the local art gallery circuit in their…
The book that changed my (work) life
I read the cluetrain manifesto 10 years ago (when it first came out) as I was just starting my career as a professional marketer. This was after being trained and degreed in engineering and working as a demo jock and implementation engineer for enterprise IT software. It was quite a shock moving from the numbers…
Cincinnati in the news
The question is why is it always bad? In my lifetime I can remember a few times when Cincinnati made the top of the national nightly news: Larry Flynt…enough said (just do search – CAUTION: NSFW) The Mapplethorpe photo exhibit…well, enough said again (same thing as the note above) When we won the 1990 World…
Everyone don your kimono
‘Cause it’s time to open up! The media channels, tradition and non alike, have been flooded in the past week with major IT ecosystem leaders falling all over themselves to be open. First came Microsoft’s announcement free open season movie download must love dogs dvdrip that they were publishing 30,000 pages of documentation on their…