Author: Chris
Doing something
While our politicians bloviate, I decided to do something. About a week ago I saw a request for help in getting a website setup for the School Attacker Response Course – something that Rob Pincus of ICE Training setup immediately in the wake of Sandy Hook. The idea was to get training to the people…
A few suggestions for VP Biden's Committee
Since it seems that we as a nation have decided to ignore the obvious things that will make us and our kids safer and instead are going to take the lazy way out…make it someone else’s problem …and legislate our way to safety, I thought I would assist our lawmakers in not just making us…
Help me out
I am writing this because I am trying to understand – this a request for help if you will. Help me understand. No, not how any human being could bring themselves to do what they did last Friday at Sandy Hook. But rather help me understand how the gun control that many of my friends…
(Warning – this post is a complete and total spleen vent and contains NSFW / mature language and themes. You have been warned. Don't keep reading if its going to result it you getting all pissed off and leaving me nasty comments. This is truly a post that I am doing mostly to get it…
Doing some homework before election day
I posted a link to the Kentucky Secretary of State page with all of the ballots to my facebook page earlier this week. I took some time last night to actually look at the ballot I will get in Grant county and make some decisions. I will admit that this is the first time I…
Tech marches on
In the summer of 1990 I was getting ready to head off to my freshman year at Rose Hulman Institute of Technology. Over the summer I got a letter from the school stating that they would be trying a new "integrated curriculum" that fall for a sub-set of the entering freshman class. The concept behind…
My final word (for now)
I've been involved in lots of facebook threads, twitter @replies and bar stool discussions about guns and gun control in the wake of the terrible acts that took place in Aurora, Colorado last Friday morning. The victims, their families and all who were in that theater that night are in my prayers and I truly…
Vacation recap: giving a little back
Not a lengthy post today since I have over 200 unread emails waiting in my inbox – and that is after deleting all the spam – but I wanted to share some of the reviews I did on Trip Adviser of the places we went and the things we did while on vacation for the…
A can of worms that never should have been
It's been said that most of the problems government solves it originally created itself. I think this is the case on the "gay marriage issue" (quotes used because I although I acknowledge that it is an issue, I don't think it needed to be). I don't talk about political / religious issues much on this…