Author: Chris

  • Restraint

    A story that caught my interest over the weekend was this one from Reuters (arguably one of the most mainstream of MSM sources): Exclusive: U.S. directs agents to cover up program used to investigate Americans.  I really encourage you to click through to the article (even if you get distracted and don’t come back to finish…

  • Is insurance worthless?

    One question I get from a lot of folks goes something along the lines of “why do you spend so ____ (time, money, energy, thought) on _____ (gun training, medical training, martial arts, etc) when you are very unlikely to ever need to ____ (shoot someone in self defense, treat a serious injury, defend yourself…

  • Breaking through

    Tomorrow I finally get a chance to deliver  a SARC program to a full faculty and staff at a local high school.  I first got involved in the School Attacker Response Course back in December of 2012, right after the shootings at Sandy Hook.  As I blogged about before, a strange and wonderful set of circumstances…

  • Med Class AAR

    Really glad I spend the $ and time to go through the tactical med class today that was expertly delivered by Greg Ellifritz of Active Response Training.  My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner.  While I’m by no means a qualified medical professional, I know a lot more and at least have…

  • Holes

    It will be light posting today since I am in an all day trauma medicine class. No, I don’t expect to be a world class Surgeon or even as good as a EMT with one day of training. But knowledge is power and I do expect to have a little more knoweldge at the end…

  • The fair is a veritable smorgasbord

    We’ve lived in Grant County for 7 years now. But I still prefer going to the Boone County fair. It’s one part nostalgia (the fair of my youth), one part the grounds (it’s a pretty nice layout) and one part food (country ham sandwiches and home made pie).

  • If an election is held and no one votes, is there a government?

    Watching Detroit eat itself is entertaining, for the schadenfreude as well as the phoenix like stories of rebirth (plus I keep waiting see a mention of Omni Consumer Corp buying up the whole place). One story that caught my eye was a recent report about the relatively light turnout in local elections. Elections which, by…

  • Another reason to do a chamber check

    Did a chamber check before I was going to put my pistol on this morning (working from home so I can carry). Glad I did. Guess what’s getting cleaned today?

  • A centennial review

    Note: I have been working on this post for a while but in recent weeks some of my long held beliefs about government have been tested. So I reserve the right to argue with myself in later posts ;-). If you accept the premise that government should exist and that democracy is a legitimate form…