Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…

  • Let's hope the EC sees it the same way

    Siemens deal for UGS gets U.S. antitrust approval

  • You are (at most) three degrees from the Governator

    If you are reading this, you are at most 3 degrees of separation from Arnold Schwarzenegger, current governor of Califronia. The first degree is me. I am assuming that if you read my blog you ‘know’ me so that counts. The rest of the connection works like this: Before we moved to the farm last…

  • My next phone?

    I have been very happy for the past year with my T-mobile MDA (aka HTC Wizard).  However I saw the new line of phones from i-Mate on the Engadget site and I’m thinking this one might be an interesting upgrade when available sometime this summer.  I hope T-mobile carries it. Engadget

  • The things you hear at Walmart

    My family and I went to Walmart on Sunday to pick up a few groceries we had forgotten at our trip to the “real” store the day before.  We’ve had a rash of bad weather around Cincinnati the last few days and on Sunday everyone was gearing up for it.  So it wasn’t much of…

  • My superbowl celebration

    Since I was in China last week, the Superbowl was aired live Monday morning local time. A bunch of ‘the Americans’ got together in one of the hotel rooms and cycled through the 40 channels on the cable system trying to find a broadcast. Eventually we found it on ESPN (which I thought was odd…

  • Universal keyboard layout?

    This one is gonna be short as I am typing it from a publicly accesible iMac in the Air France lounge at the Paris airport. Let me apologize now for any mis-spellings as either the French or Apple or both hqve decided that the keyboard layout the rest of the world uses is insufficient in…

  • Good times in Hong Kong

    Left Tokyo on Saturday morning after a relatively calm Friday evening consisting of dinner at a Shabu-Shabu restaurant near the hotel and an early bed time.  Took a Cathay Pacfic flight into HK that arrive around noon local time.  Immigration and customs wasn’t a big hassle (that was saved for later when we went to…

  • Now I wonder what I ate

    .!. When we walked in there were 12 fish in this tank.

  • The most popular new 'restaurant' in Japan?

    We went out walking last night to find something to eat and stretch our legs after being on planes and buses for 20 hours. Outside the back of our hotel near Shinjuku a new eatery has opened up that seems to be quite popular with the locals. This picture was taken at around 8:30 PM…