Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…
Your tax dollars at work
Now is we could just get more of our tax dollars to make Star Trek technology more available to all of us, or at least those in uniform.WIRED Blogs: Danger Room
Pipe fitting
I’ve been inspired by a few posts on Lifehacker and have made a pass at creating a “master feed” for all my activities around the web using Yahoo Pipes. The result is here and now added to the top of my feeds list on the right hand side of my blog. I think the main…
Dave predicts Microsoft's downfall
The idea of Microsoft as the IBM of our age is not a new one. I think the really interesting questions from that analogy are: what is going to be the PC of our age? In other words just as the PC distrupted IBM’s iron business, what is it that will cause the eventual, slow…
Who says there are no property rights in China?
Ananova – House is an island
Ohio U makes a name for itself
Hah, take that west coast schools, you’ve got nothing on us mid-western corn-fed universities on music piracy. Maybe Ohio U should consider a name change? The Ohio U Swashbuclkers? Ohio U Raiders? Bobcats sounds so un-pirate like 😉 Forget party schools: The RIAA lists the top piracy schools in the US
Who thinks of this stuff?
.!. ID Sniper Rifle fires GPS tracking chip into unwitting humans – Engadget
My website is worth $429
While it’s certainly not something I can retire on, it is interesting that according to dnScoop chriskelley.org is worth $429. It looks like they look at Google and Alexa traffic numbers to figure this out, but of course it is largely an academic exercise since its only worth what someone is willing to pay. SO…
Info Week's take on business in Second Life
A somewhat pessimistic view from Information Week on the results so far of business investments in creating a presence in Second Life. One line that stood out for me was: The design simulations are kludgy and represent the ultimate exercise in pointless boredom for users who want to indulge their ultimate fantasies, not decide between…
Are patents only a stick?
Ralph picked up the news release UGS did today the ‘record number of patents’ issued in 2006. He concludes with a statement about patents only being useful in cases where there is some other disagreement between companies (specifically in the form of a law suit), where they can be used as negotiation chips. While I…