No juice

Simply proving that only bad news gets reported, this is the first post I have done on my HP TC4400 since I first got it.  Before I get in to the bad part, let me say that this is one of the best laptops I have ever used.  The keyboard is awesome and the performance is near desktop replacement.  Since I first got it last summer, I’ve added another GB of RAM (to bring it to 2 GB total) and upgraded the HD to a 160 GB (using a great progam called Driveimage XML – worked flawlessly.  I moved the entire image over from my original HD and was up and running in less that 4 hours).
Now for the bad news.  Yesterday, I noticed that after leaving the TC4400 plugged in overnight the battery was still at 16%.  When I fired it up and left it plugged in, the the system tray icon showed it was on AC, but the battery still wasn’t charging.  So off to google and I found out that this (unfortuantely) a fairly common issues with laptops and has something to do with some pins becoming disconnected between the power port on the back of the laptop and the motherboard.  It seems the only solution (other than getting out the soldering iron) is to replace the mother board, so that’s what I am waiting on from HP.  I really need my machine right now, so hopefully this won’t take too long.






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