Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…
May you live in interesting times
Well this should make things interesting as we move in to Siemens… Bloomberg.com: Worldwide
More interesting reaction to UGS in SL
Web Worker Daily » Blog Archive Do You Need a Second Life? « Coca-Cola, UGS, and Reuters, it’s been the subject of much press coverage in the last few years. Nice to see us mentioned in the same breath as Coke and Reuters. Fallen Angel dvdrip
Day 1 of UGS in Second Life
The reaction to the launch of UGS Innovation Connection in Second Life has been very positive so far. It seems that most people in world ‘get’ why we would want to be there and are giving us a chance. It also was evident that after a 3 minute demo at our user group yesterday even…
Tour of UGS Innovation Connection
.!. For those of you that haven’t made the leap into SL yet, there are a few tour videos available of UGS Innovation Connection that I’ve posted to you tube, or you can click to play below:
Making Connections
I don’t think I am jumping the gun (at least not by much ;-), but this morning UGS will announce one of the projects I have been working on for the past few months: UGS Innovation Connection in Second Life. When I first heard about Second Life last fall, I thought ‘might be interesting’. When…
Weekend in Nuremberg
I had the chance to spend the weekend in Nuremberg with a few of the folks from UGS I was working with through the week. The weather was absolutely gorgeous all through the weekend, with not a cloud in the sky, highs in the mid-80s and nice cool nights. After finishing up at the office…
My new toy
Everyone needs a friend with a truck and now all of my friends have one. I have been in the market for a truck pretty much since we bought our farm a year and a half ago. However, the requirements list kept getting more extensive the longer I kept looking, so on Friday last week…
Another 10 days on the road
I arrived in Nuremberg yesterday after a 2 hour train ride from Frankfurt. I’ll be here through the weekend working on Siemens integration work and then on to Hannover Fair on Sunday. I have received a few private messages asking why I haven’t been writing much about the acquisition and its a combination of being…
Service awards as psychological profiling?
I reached a milestone last week and celebrated my 10 year service anniversary with SDRC/EDS/UGS/(Siemens). I received a nice package during the ‘ceremony” (it was a group dinner at the hotel we were staying at for the staff meeting) that has a letter in it with instructions for me to claim my award. I went…