Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…

  • Alternatives to SL

    When we launched in SL last week, one of the questions I got a lot was: “did you look at any alternative platforms”? The short answer is yes, but only briefly. At the end of the day we looked at the user counts in SL and it was a pretty easy decision to make. On…

  • The SL Coverage keeps on coming in

    This piece came up in my Google news alerts this morning.  I did the interview just a few days ago, so it is good to see such a quick turn around. Dassault, UGS in 3-D PLM Race I didn’t quite expect to see a comparison piece between us and Dassault, but it’s an interesting read…

  • UGS gets on to YouTube

    Having posted a few things to YouTube myself, I am glad to see that the number of UGS videos has exploded in the last few weeks.  Here’s a few that I found recently that you might be interested in: NX5 demos Solid Edge demos It’s really nice to see this catch on for our products,…

  • Calling all SL gurus / developers

    I am looking for someone to help me out with getting a super easy to use way to bring JT data into SL. We published the specification last December, so its available for anyone to look at. Any SL geometry wizards out there that know how to get this done? What I’m envisioning is some…

  • More SL Coverage

    A few more posts/articles from the past few days on our SL debut: reBang weblog » Blog Archive » UGS Materializes in Second Life Making The Second Life Connection – IT Channel – IT Channel News by CRN and VARBusiness

  • We're on the map!

    I’m not sure how exactly Kzero went about figuriong all of this out, but it is interesting (for some reason we still like topography) to see where we are in the SL metaverse and who our neighbors are.  It looks like us and Autodesk somehow ended up near one another.  I would very much like…

  • Bring the virtual and real together

    I was catching up on the comment streams on some other blogs that had posted on our SL launch when I ran across a comment from Mike on his company (Fabjectory – Home) that will create physical objects from SL (and Google Sketchup) models.  While it seems limited to Avatar models for now, this could…

  • EU clears our deal

    EU approves acquisition of UGS by Siemens | Technology, Media & Telecom | Reuters All that’s left now is a few signatures, a big check and I’ll have a new business card. This time things do feel a lot different than the last. I listened to the Siemens execs at Hannover Fair a few weeks…

  • And my wife wonders why I gain weight when I travel…

    .!. This layout was in a meeting I attended on Tuesday….for 16 people. And what’s not in the frame was a 2 x 4 foot cake that was wheeled in for someone’s 25th service anniversary. I guess there’s at least some diet sodas and a few pieces of fruit.  I need to find a treadmill…