Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…

  • Labradar chrono analysis of 300 BLK Handloads (it's good to have friends with toys).

    One of the advanatges of having friends that shoot is getting to borrow their toys, which is exactly what I’ve been able to do for the last few days, specifically a Labradar doppler based chronograph.  I’ve had a 8″ 300 BLK SBR (Noveske Barrel) for a while now and have slowly assembled the components to…

  • Distracted from distraction by distraction

    It may be a little early for new year’s resolutions, but it occurs to me that its rather arbitrary to decide on the first of the year to change a bunch of things. Arbitrary and often ineffective. So maybe its better to just start when you have the idea and let it run its course.…

  • Fake News in the Post Truth era

    I’m not sure how to start this one, so I think I’ll take some advice from the “wise” king in Alice’s adventures in Wonderland: “Begin at the beginning,” the King said, very gravely, “and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” The subject of today’s post is the truth.  First, to define…

  • Stuck in the middle

    Sometimes I feel a bit like a man with no country.  I refuse to pick a “side” for a variety of reasons, from the view that life is way more complex than can possibly be represented by two choices to the conviction that both “sides” are trapped in the same authoritarian box.  For a time…

  • Reading: exercise for the mind

    If I am going to be a better thinker, I need to get better at reading.  This is not a literacy issue.  I can read and I do actually read quite a bit, but I know there is room for improvement.  Specifically, I need to be more selective in what I read (without creating a…

  • Declaration of purpose

    My dear family, guess what? Today I found out what my special purpose is for. Gosh, what a great time I had. I wish the whole family could’ve been here with me. Maybe some other time as I intend to do this a lot. Every chance I get. I think next week I’ll be able…

  • Help me open a door so I can step through

    I need some help.  I need a way to signal to you that when I disgree with you, it doesn’t mean I support the “other side”.  I mean you no harm.  I am open to a lengthy discussion to really work things out.  I don’t look down on you or think you are less just…

  • Parallels between the response to Islamic terrorism and the election

    All analogies break down if you push them far enough. But they are still useful as a lens to understand things.  So don’t try to push this one too far, but see if you can learn something from it. It seems to me that significant portions of the American population are engaging in discourse that…

  • The day after

    Well this is about to get interesting. There are a lot of bleary eyes and shocked expressions around me this morning. I can’t say I’ve seen any overt celebration in person (my Facebook feed is another story).  Perhaps there are some that are secretly celebrating for their own reasons or perhaps it’s just the crowd…