Category: miscellaneous

  • The only thing stopping you is "wanna"

    We had a snow day on Saturday.  No, school wasn’t going to be in and was cancelled.  It just snowed through the day and we didn’t need to go anywhere so we didn’t.  In between driveway plowing sessions I ended up getting sucked in to a few projects that had been on my “someday –…

  • Avoiding confirmation bias

    As many have already observed, these days there is absolutely no reason to be ignorant about any subject that interests you. Well at least not a good reason. I won’t bore you with all the stats and figures about how often human knowledge doubles, about how many searches there are each second, or about how…

  • PRISM proof your life

    If some have their way,the names Edward Snowden and Glen Greenwald will be erased from the history books.  I doubt they will be successful, but I think that of the two, Mr. Greenwald’s name will have more staying power.  While Snowden provided the ingredients, Greenwald orchestrated the meal.  The way he structured the stories and…

  • A computer has simulated 1 second of human thought…in 40 minutes

    So if you apply Moore’s law to this, it would seem that we are only decades (years?) away from machines that have faster (better?) brains than humans.  What a waste of computing power…imagine how many FPS you could get in Crysis 3 with 705,024 processor cores and 1.4 million GB of RAM. Brought to you by:

  • No post today…working on another site

    I had a post almost ready to go today here, but got sidetracked getting another site I am working on for a friend up and running.  Check it out if you get a chance: POST.

  • Quick tip

    Just a quick tip: wherever you can and where ever you can find them, ALWAYS get your haircut at a barber shop where most of the people are their just to hang out, not get haircuts.  And if you can find one that is cash only, so much the better.

  • A lone voice

    I stumbled across this article on an movie thin Wired from my Facebook feed (side note: I keep toying with deleting my Facebook account and then it helps me find really good content like this).  It’s an interview with a few of the folks that are working on a new Spike Jonze movie about a…

  • The Tower of Babel

    After a restful, productive break, I hit the ground running on my first week back at work: I went straight into a 3 day, 20 person workshop. Overall it was a pretty good use of time and even better I didn’t have to travel to attend it (although sometimes travelling for things that are going…

  • Well that was fun while it lasted

    Well I’m back to work this week after a few weeks off.  This year’s Christmas break was the same as many in the past – a time to catch my breath, have a few days with no schedule and then try to cram too much into the last few days of it before I have…