Author: Chris

  • Interesting analysis of Facebook application distribution

    Found this on boing boing a few days ago and just forgot to blog about it then.   This is an interesting analysis of what facebook apps get used the most.  I’m not sure why the result (think long tail) are all that surprising.  In the end this is just a validation that Facebook has…

  • Top line growth no longer the top issue for CEOs

    While it didn’t slip out of first place by much (a few percentage points), top line growth is no longer the top concern of global CEOs.  What has replaced it?  Execution Excellence.  In my view this is just a maturing of understanding the issue and says that CEOs have a better understanding of what specific…

  • It was only a matter of time – Google partners to get into virtual worlds

    All I can say is..I told you so… Google tools to power virtual worlds | CNET Buried Alive film Hopefully this will be one of the cases where the entry of an established net player like Google will validate the space and cause all boats to rise.  The vast amount of data in google…

  • No kidding…

    Before you send that next email, read this: Communication: Face Time More Productive Than Email – Lifehacker

  • Bug labs rolls out first views of its product platform

    While the looks of it may not be all that inspiring, I am still really charged up about the concept.  The idea of enabling user generated innovation of physical (instead of just IP or cultural) products is one whose time has come.  I expect to see a lot of companies starting up that enable users…

  • Something to think about

    What makes you happy?  This is not some idle question…it is really important stuff.  While I’ve heard the theory presented here before (too many choices makes you unhappy) I haven’t heard it put as plainly as Dan Gilbert does in this video.  Take a few minutes and watch it…it will give you something to think…

  • Getting my kids a PC

    Not looking to get into a debate about whether getting my kids their own PCs is a good idea or not.  They are outside plenty, read books and eat vegetables.  I also know enough to not let them use it in their room and to install filtering software to keep them off questionable sites and…

  • Laugh out loud funny

    Don’t normally cross post like this….but this had me laughing out loud… Get Your War On on Blackwater – Boing Boing Lost in Space divx

  • How much money could they have saved if they did this in a virtual world?

    From the WSJ earlier in the week (subscription required…until Rupert sets it free ;-)) comes this article about how a few leading edge consumer products companies are building these elaborate systems to present real people with virtual store shelves.  They can track eye movement and what people are drawn to.  This is important stuff for…