Author: Chris

  • Everyone who will ever use Powerpoint should have to click through this before it starts

    .!. Personally I have been trying to avoid using Powerpoint, instead looking to Mind Maps, or just plane old notes. But despite my efforts, PPT seems to be the predominant attachment to every email that comes into my inbox. Maybe I should just give up on email? No there’s an idea! Well, until I do…

  • A little late for Halloween

    But still this is funny…the creativity out there continues to amaze me.  Brainz…. YouTube – The Zombeatles – A Hard Day’s Night of the Living Dead Under Siege 2: Dark Territory hd

  • Building up

    It’s been a while since I have done an update on our SL island (now called Siemens Innovation Connection), so I thought I would run through a few of the thinsg we have been up to: We’re playing around with a few different widgets to track traffic and figure out what people are actually interested…

  • Wish I had some more time to geek out coming up

    I have been looking at a few of the different low cost alternative PCs including the OLPC and the Asus Eee.  Now it seems you can run OS X Leopard on the Eee.  I really wish I had a week off soon to try this out…and get my MythTV box working again…and get Tversity working…

  • Social networks in you inbox

    An interesting idea coming from the big online email vendors: let’s turn people’s inbox into a social network. Don’t get me wrong: I love gmail. But email in general has such a bad name these days (info overload, spam, viruses…) I doubt they will be able to convince “social network true believers” (that view email…

  • Great video on social production from one of the early pioneers

    .!. It’s content like this that makes me remember why I started reading blogs and writing them. This is a great post summarinzing the content of a session I wish I had seen given recently at MIT by Eric von Hipple, who wrote Democratizing Innovation (Amazon Link or Free Download ). This is one of…

  • Design Language

    Take a few minutes and scroll through the pictures on the post below.  You’ll really get the impression of who gets the whole “design language” thing and who doesn’t. Succeed With This

  • It’s the end of ads as we know it

    and I feel fine. IBM Press room – 2007-11-08 IBM Predicts the End of Advertising as We Know It – United States

  • Two great tastes

    That taste great together (hopefully by separating those two statements I have avoided the ire of the hershey’s attorney squad ;-)): Second Life and Social production.  Xaver found an interesting tidbit on how Phillips is using Second Life as a platform for getting users directly involved in the production of the products that Phillips hope…