Author: Chris
Virtual 007
Look out all you second life avatars: Rough Type: Nicholas Carr’s Blog: Spies in Second Life Yeah, that’s right the people you meet in Second Life might not be who they say they are!?!?! Who would of thought 😉
My newest gadget
I picked up a new gadget a few weeks ago and I haven’t had time to post about it, but I have to say it is a must buy for anyone looking for the best BT headset ever. It’s the Jawbone boy a movie download . I’ve used it in crowded lobbies ful of people,…
Good post on twitter basics – focused on followers/following
.!. For you ‘tweeple’ out there, this is a good quick summary of how to find and follow twitterers: Part Two: From Twits to Tweeple, Why I Embraced Twitter and You Should Too download mirrors free
Web 3.0: Is It About Personalization? – ReadWriteWeb
Well if 2.0 has jumped the shark , then that must mean it’s time for 3.0: Web 3.0: Is It About Personalization? – ReadWriteWeb mirrors dvd . I have seen a few write-up’s on what the next generation of web technology, but this is one of the nest short summaries I’ve seen (that I agree…
Children’s choir today at Trinity Church Covington
Children’s choir today at Trinity Church Covington Originally uploaded by aakelley
Running man
Well today I registered for the Half Marathon in the Cincinnati Flying Pig on May 4th. I ran in the relay last year (7 miles) and had a blast, so this year I thought I would take it to the next level. The half will be challenging because it’s a different part of the course…
Wither facebook
I know that my own usage would back up the claims in this article: ‘Facebook fatigue’ kicks in as people tire of social networks | The Register download hotel rwanda online But it’s not social networks that are wearing me down…it’s the closed nature of Facebook (and SecondLife for that matter) that keep me from…
Front page news: me
While it’s not quite the centerfold, I did make it on the cover of SL Engineer recently. The SLEngineer Magazine – Home OK, so it’s not really me, it’s my avatar…but, yes it is a faithful representation (of what I looked like in college). If you take the time to download the issue, there’s a…
Newsflash: Lutz is in the pocket of Big Oil
.!. I try not to be too ‘environmental’ here too often so I will consider this an economics post. Plus this one really got me going:The US according to Lutz: ethanol, yes, diesels, not so much – Autoblog In that case, Lutz’s opinion is that just about all the customer will glean from an oilburner…