Author: Chris
More simple ways to explain Synchronous Technology
SolidSmack takes a pass at coming up with a plain english expanation of what we announced yesterday: If you want to explain it to me without all the big words, just tell me you can change the model without understanding how it was created. When a list of feature history doesn’t work right, that is…
Pic from Safeco last night
Change in plans. Originally uploaded by aakelley So had a change in plans and ended up skipping out early on the MS reception last night and heading over to Safeco field to see the Mariners and the Orioles play. Was the first baseball game of the season for me and the park and the game…
Lunch at microsoft
.!. 100 feet free download Lunch at microsoft is harry on the boat movie Originally uploaded by aakelley download watchers dvdrip
Twitter Spam
I have seen a few tweets come through complaining about spammers entering the twittersphere. At first this seemed odd to me since by its nature users have to decide what tweets they want to see, so what would the point of spam be? If you notice spam coming from one particular user its only a…
Quick appearance on newsgang
.!. It turns out Steve did release the newsgang I dialed in for last Friday: The Gang » Blog Archive » NewsGang Live 04.11.08 Steve and I get into a discussion about my post from the night before about gestures, marketing automation and VRM. Main thing I picked up was the idea that using gestures…
Sunset over our barn
.!. surviving the game movie download broken arrow download Sunset over our barn Originally uploaded by aakelley
Some pics from my trip to Milan (Duomo mostly)
.!. Posted to Flickr . We also went to see the last supper, but they don’t let you use any cameras there so no pics. The setup for the last supper is interesting from a tech viewpoint: they have temp and humidity controlled chambers you have to enter and leave through and there is a…
I guess I found my new horsetrailer!
I guess I found my new horsetrailer! Hard Luck movie Originally uploaded by aakelley Saw this on the way home in the lot near my house (and no, its not really a horse trailer.