Author: Chris
People I'd like to meet
On the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth, I got to thinking about people I’d like to meet. Certainly Mr. Lincoln is at the top of that list. But seeing as that isn’t going to happen there’s one other person I’d like to meet: someone that is actually in favor of the stimulus bill that…
Another irresistable puppy video
Come on people…I can keep posting these until they are old and nobody wants them. Or you can get them while they are still cute.
Mid-book review: Anathem
I know it’s a bit unconventional, but I am about halfway through Neil Stephenson’s Anathem and I though I would post a few thoughts so far. The book is after all more than 900 pages. If I waited until I was finished with it, I might forget what I though about the first sections. Anathem…
Puppy update #2
The puppies turned 3 (weeks that is) last Friday so I thought I would post a quick update. They opened their eyes about 7-10 days ago and are starting to explore, althoug mostly just looking for mama when she gets too far away. They are still about 3 weeks from going to the vet to…
First dates
Saw this on Boing Boing today:Princess Bride DVD ambigram – Boing Boing DeAnna and I went on our first date to see this movie…20 years ago I guess.
Goodbye Guy
As those of you who saw my twitter updates the past few days know, we had to put down one of our horses over the weekend. Unfortunately its one of those things we will never know how it really happened. All we know for sure is that what of it: Goliath broke his leg and…
Correction from my earlier twitter, there are 9 puppies (not 7).
Answer to my post the other day: what else can go wrong
Short version: I crashed my car up a bit last night. Long version: never in my life have I seen 1/4 of rain cause so much havoc. In the Cincinnati area we have been in a bit of a cold spell for the last few days. Never getting out of the 20s in the day…
Anyone who reads here regularly (all 4 of you ;-)) know that I try to stay away from the political arena. Trust me, I have opinions, I just choose to mostly keep them to myself. However, the economic morass that is developing before our eyes (“just because you are alive doesn’t mean that what’s happening…