Puppy update #2

The puppies turned 3 (weeks that is) last Friday so I thought I would post a quick update.  They opened their eyes about 7-10 days ago and are starting to explore, althoug mostly just looking for mama when she gets too far away.  They are still about 3 weeks from going to the vet to get their first shots and we will start them on semi-solid food this week.  That should be an adventure, but one that I am sure mama hopes we are successful at.  She is truly starting to look miserable when nursing.  The fact that they all have teeth now probably explains most of that.
For anyone interested, they should be ready for you lucky readers to take home in 3-5 weeks.  Get your orders in now – they make great Valentines Day gifts!.  And if my words have’t enticed you enough, how about a few pictures (the power of cuteness compells you!):
And as my final devious tactic to get you to take a puppy….a video (live cam coming soon!):

from within divx online Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde movies






4 responses to “Puppy update #2”

  1. Lisa Avatar

    DO NOT LET MY CHILDREN SEE THESE PICTURES, EVER! I really shouldn’t look either. I have a bit of a problem.

  2. Lisa Avatar

    Oh no. I watched the video. I want a gray one. What am I thinking… see! I have a problem!

  3. Chris Avatar

    How many gray ones can I send home with John? 🙂

  4. Lisa Avatar

    Just one 🙂
    If you gave it to John, it would never make it home.

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