Author: Chris
I finally took the plunge this week and upgraded my camera equipment. The 5+ year old Canon S2 IS point and shoot was just not getting it down for volleyball. So after the 2-day tournament in Louisville I started researching Digital SLRs and shooting sports. In my research I learned that I was in for…
Trickle Down Economics 2.0
I have really been trying to stay away from politics and controversy both here on my blog and in my life in general. However, I heard something the other day that I have not been able to get out of my head: a potential fatal fissure is starting to break open in the US, namely…
Permaculture at work
I have been anxiously getting ready for this years planting season. This will be the 4th year I have will do a garden and I think I am finally getting close to my ideal state: a variety of produce right from my back yard, without chemicals or GMOs and with as little maintenance work as…
Summer vacation planning update
As I sit in the CVG airport waiting on a delayed flight to Orlando for a couple of days of business meetings, I thought I would post a quick update on the planning for our Summer vacation to Europe. A quick recap: after last year’s summer vacation to the Outer Banks, DeAnna and I realized…
Sacred work
I ran across this video from one of the regional TEDx conferences. I think this guy has it right on a lot of levels.
Separation of work and play
After nearly two years of solid service my hacked, broken, old and generally worn out iPhone 2G finally gave up the ghost a few weeks ago. It got stuck in this mode where it though the headphones were always plugged in and so it wouldn’t ring or let you talk/listen through the handset and when…
Planning for the spring garden
Yes, I know that another snomageddon event is already under way and threatens to wipe the southern US off the map (it’s what they deserve after all for causing the aflockalypse), but over the weekend, the first of the seed catalogs showed up in my mailbox so it got me to thinking about my spring…
I guess I am a week late in getting this post up, but trust me I was in no shape to do it on New Year’s day…to much ‘reveling’. So here are my new year’s resolutions, albeit I am already a week behind on living up to them: Get back into the swing of things…
My next truck
I am seriously intrigued…and its a diesel! I wonder if it can pull a horse trailer?