Author: Chris

  • Unhacked

    Sorry, guess it wasn’t good form to have the top post on my site be titles “hacked” for the last week. I did get it cleaned up in about 24 hours for good. Ended up being something that had gotten ahold of my FTP password and was using that path to infect my index.php and…

  • Hacked…

    Sorry about that folks, but it appears my blog was hacked.  No, all of the posts are mine…but someone dropped in some php code in a few of my template files and index.php file.  After trying my best to clean everything up and installing every highly rated firewall, malware and antivirus plugin I could find,…

  • Ghost in the machine

    Although my makerbot still sits in its box in the basement, I am still spending some time thinking about how I will use it once I eventually get it built.  I've got most of it figure out, but still have some questions about input. There are three ways that something can end up being made…

  • Building

    The time off from work over the holidays was great. One reason was the immense number of things that I was able to cross off my to do list that had been there for months. Walls were patched and painted, closets were cleaned, cars got alignments and new tires. It really was cathartic. Of course…

  • Absolutely Fab

    First week of the year and I already find myself on the road again.  I had to fly up to Boston yesterday for a few days of meetings.  I hate being on the road again so soon, but I tried to make the best of it, and used the flight time up here to catch…

  • Social vacation suggestions – part 2

    Last year I used this blog to get a lot of great suggestions about the trip we planned to Europe last summer.  It worked great and we were able to do alot of things we wouldn't have known about if it weren't for your ideas.  So, I though I'd try it again, only this time…

  • Resolutions revisted

    I did a “resolutions” post at the start of 2011 and was thinking of doing the same this year. But decided not to. Call it a cop out, but this year I only have one resolution: to take each day as the blessing that it is and enjoy it as much as I can. There…

  • Making Christmas

    I’ve been doing a little Christmas dreaming lately.  No sugar plum fairies for me t – I’m dreaming of 3D Printers and desktop CNCs.  I’ve been watching these spaces for a while and I think the price / performance ratio is finally at a place where  will take the plunge.  I really am just looking…

  • My 911 story

    This blog started in March 2004, about two and a half years after 9/11.  I’ve done a few political posts and talked about the war on terror, but generally keep it a bit lighter.  On the 10th anniversary of 9/11 however, I feel the need to document my story on that day….before I forget more…