Author: Chris

  • KHSAA "no handshake" directive shows complete lack of leadership

    I just heard today about the Kentucky High School Athletics Association’s “directive” on post game handshakes. The news broke yesterday, in what the KHSAA themselves later called a “poorly worded” communication. The initial communication (which I can’t seem to find after a pretty thorough scrubbing by KHSAA) was mis-interpreted by “key media outlets and veteran…

  • Journey to the center of the Core

    I took my lunch hour the other day to listen in live on the Cato institute debate on common core (replay, downloadable video and podcast / audio only download available here).  There seems to be plenty of soundbites about Common Core, both pro and con, but little information.  Some things I hear sound reasonable, and…

  • Two wolves and a sheep

    The shortage of money to fund the government seems to have created a surplus of vitriol and blame because it’s flowing freely from both sides (of the same coin).  The right are terrorists that are holding America hostage and the left are bullies that are sticking their fingers in the ears while loudly saying “nah,…

  • And I'm back!

    Well it’s been a few weeks since I’ve been able to make it here to post. One week was deliberate – I was heads down working on a new site for my daughter’s club volleyball team. I’ve done a few sites over the years and I’m really happy with how this one turned out. I…

  • Not in my name

    The “Syria issue” doesn’t seem to be going away.  Unfortunately, it seems I was wrong in thinking that it was just a distraction to keep the administration from having to actually discuss the state of American finances at the G20 summit – how embarrassing would that have been? The full court press propaganda media campaign…

  • Update from the weekend and a work post

    Quick Update: Labor Day weekend at church camp went great. Me and 160+ of my closest friends. It’s definitely a battery re- charger to sit around for three days and have no agenda. My son did manage to break his wrist but he will be okay in a few weeks – plus he gets a…

  • Gone fishin'

    Just a quick post to let you know not expect any posts over the long labor day weekend.  Don’t send out the search party – I’m not missing nor have I gone galt.  I’m just heading down to the mountains in Kentucky for a few days to hang out with a couple hundred of my…

  • Means, motive and opportunity: justifying the use of force in Syria

    I’m glad to see that the main stream media has redirected the nation’s attention from “twerking” (I can’t recall anything that makes me wish this actually existed more than learning that word) to something that actually matters: what’s going on in Syria.  The drum beat of war is starting up again and everyone seems to…

  • What common core math gets right

    Common Core gets hammered all the time for making our kids stupid. I was doing some homework with my son recently and found that while it doesn’t understand cost, revenue or profit, it does get one thing right: taxes.