Author: Chris
Finally something that is actually the "next internet"
I have my first specific recollection of being on the internet about 20 years ago this month. I was a senior at Rose Hulman and was hanging out in the computer lab working on a project (on those uber-kewl NeXT machines we had back then). Someone on the NeXT next to me was fiddling with…
Three card monte
I listened to the most recent episode of Dan Carlin’s Common Sense podcast on the way to work this morning. Have I mentioned that I am a huge podcast fan? I think I have, but I may not have mentioned that unlike almost everything else I am a fan of (food, guns…women) I don’t actually…
Seeking order
I must admit to being fascinated with the goings on around Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. I fly a lot for work so any time there is an “air incident” it gets my attention, but the fact that they still can’t find a 660,000 lb jet that was being tracked on multiple radar systems and was…
Saw this article in my facebook feed today: Man Walks Nearly 3000 Miles Through China. This spoke to me: Christoph was asked about his state of mind while he was walking and what he was thinking. He replied “It was just the way it would be on any normal day. Sometimes you think. Sometimes you don’t.…
Common Core End Game
St. Francis Xavier is supposed to have said “give me a child for seven years and I will give you the man:. I wonder what the federal government will do with children if they have them for 12 (or more)? While it’s a crucial fact, the full story on the Common Core isn’t that the…
Oversight doesn't mean what it used to
Who watches the watchers? Evidently the senate better not watch the CIA…or else (if they can kill a President, what chance does a lowly Senator have….). From The [Senate Intelligence] committee has spent several years working on a voluminous report about the detention and interrogation program, and according to one official interviewed in recent days, C.I.A. officers…
Ukraine rhymes with Cuba
“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” ― Mark Twain I was talking to my kids today in the car on the way to school this morning about what is going on in the Ukraine. I asked them if they had heard anything, if any of their friends were talking about it or if…
What's my name again?
Do you ever wake up thinking you’ve somehow gone through the looking glass through the night, emerging in bizarro world where everything is backwards an upside down? That’s exactly how I feel when I read things like this: US Schools go full bore soviet – key quote “After reviewing this assignment, one mother stated, ‘I…
Two questions. Two answers.
What if everyone started each day with two questions? What will I learn? What will I teach? What if they had good answers at the end of day?