Author: Chris

  • 90 Second Book Review: Stumbling on Happiness

    I must admit that I don’t quite recall where I first heard about the subject of this quick review, but as has happened many times, that intergalactic portal that sorts through the thousands of books I’d like to read and picks the right one at the right time to send my way did its job…

  • Match video and commentary from the Michigan State IDPA Match

    I traveled to Brooklyn, MI this past weekend to particiapte in my first sanctioned / State level match (truth be told, I was already in the area for work, but that was just a lucky coincidence).  It was the Michigan State match held at the Brooklyn Sportsmans Club.  It was a great facility and a…

  • Match video from this weekend's IDPA match

    Haven’t been posting a lot here (epic summer in progress…coming to an end shortly).  But I was able to grab some match footage from this weekend’s IDPA match at Lloyd’s WMA in Critteden, KY.  It wasn’t my best match, but I still learned a few things: Always have a stage plan.  This couldn’t come at…

  • Who wants to open a non-school school with me in Northern Kentucky?

    About a month ago I attended a presentation by Ken Danford on Liberated Learners / North Star Teens.  Since then, I can’t get an idea out of my head: I’d love to be part of starting one of these in the Northern Kentucky / Greater Cincinnati area.  To be completely transparent, my motivations are three-fold: I…

  • Free Will Revisited

    I wrote about my thoughts on Sam Harris’ book Free Will in a post as few months back.  It troubled me at the time that his basic argument seemed to be that since we can’t know all option and control all inputs / our reactions them that it means we can’t control anything. In the…

  • Will we learn this time?

    School may be out for summer in many parts of the country, but there are stil plenty of lessons to be learned from this year’s political morass.  We’ve learned that the two party system is not actually a feature of our government.  We’ve learned that the two parties are actually private entities and can do whatever…

  • What we can learn about freedom from a 19th century Russian author? 

    UPDATE: for those of you that clicked on the link and thought “TL;DR” (does anyone actually think in acronyms?), there is a dramatic reading that you can listen to. I spent the morning coffee time re-reading the “Grand Inquisitor” chapter in The Brothers Karamazov”. While many see it as a screed against the Catholic Church…

  • Porcfest XIII retrospective

    I wanted to get to posting something sooner, but had to leave for China about 10 hours after I got home last Sunday.  Actually this is earlier than it would have been otherwise courtesy of a seemingly monstrous weather system across the east coast which has delayed the last leg of my flight home for…

  • Travel anxiety reduction in the age of the smart phone. 

    This post comes to you from seat 30D (yes…a middle aisle seat on a 767) of Delta flight 229 from Paris to Cincinnati. No, I didn’t spring for the crazy expensive expensive international wifi. Nope, they particular plane I am in is broken and awaiting a part so I decided to share some quick learnings…