Summer work

It is that joyous time of year for school children around the world (or at least the ones in dumb countries that haven’t gone to year round schooling): Summer Break. But not for my kids 😉
Summer break means they gt to work on all the things that I think they should know but aren’t learning in school. Of course selling them on the idea is everything. Last summer I pitched it as summer work and they revolted – even though I offered to pay them for each completed assignment. So this year, I need to think of a different way to get them interested…
Anyway, here is what I have in mind:
1 – since we are going to be spending some significant time (and money unless the $ gets a little stronger against the Euro) in Europe this summer, I want them each to pick one thing in each city we will be in and do some research on why its interesting / important and what went on there.
2 – I want them to be able to cook something completely from scratch all on their own with us only there to give verbal guidance.
3 – I want them to design something in 3D (and maybe even get it printed somewhere) or create a computer animation. (Hint to all my friends in Huntsville – would love to teach them Solid Edge, but right now all I have is a copy of 123d on my home PC…)
I’d like to come up with one more science and one “art” project, so suggestions welcome.






2 responses to “Summer work”

  1. cbeck Avatar

    Making a bio-polymer is an interesting science project. This can be done using corn-starch… or for some extra "lab work" using starch extracted from a potato. This can be done with and without a cross linker to show the differences in plastic strength. Google can probably get you started with some good procedures if you're interested. But feel free to email me if you want any link recommendations for a procedure.

  2. Dora Smith Avatar
    Dora Smith

    Love #2!
    Art suggestion – something related to the Euro vacation – a journal during, a scrapbook after, a nice photobook afterwards.
    If they'd like to visit Missouri, they're welcome to come help us lay the main floor of the cabin – copper pipes, wire mesh, concrete, slate. There's some science in there somewhere!
    – Dora

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