
I guess I am a week late in getting this post up, but trust me I was in no shape to do it on New Year’s day…to much ‘reveling’.  So here are my new year’s resolutions, albeit I am already a week behind on living up to them:

  • Get back into the swing of things at the gym.  I sort of cheated and got started on this one in December, but I am writing it here to remind me in May when the flowers are blooming and its nice outside that I still need to be in the gym at least 3 times a week.  I had the illusion that having home work out equipment would fill in the gap of letting our YMCA membership lapse a few years ago and while it is convenient, it is no match for the ritual of going to a gym and exercising with other people.  That is especially the case when you have a workout partner, which thankfully Mason has taken an interest in becoming.
  • Get my HAM radio license.
  • Get my sharp shooter classification in IDPA (stretch goal would be expert, but I don’t to pressure myself too much!)
  • Get back to the sporting clays course…didn’t go once last year!
  • Go on at least one overnight camping trip with wife, kids and horses.
  • Resist the urge to overplan / overschedule our vacation to Europe this summer.
  • And last but not least: Desire less – be happy with what I have.

I’ll try to update on how I am doing through the course of the year.  NB – I don’t have a resolution about blogging / tweeting / socializing more (or less for that matter).  Its working for me at the pace it is now.






3 responses to “Resolutioner”

  1. @SusanCinadr Avatar

    Chris – There was a trivia question at the coffee shop that said only 8% keep their New Year's resolution. I am routing for you to be one of thhe 8%, great list!____And where in Europe are you taking the fam?____Cheers,__Susan

  2. […] The year is already a quarter over. So, a quick update on my new years resolutions. […]

  3. […] did a “resolutions” post at the start of 2011 and was thinking of doing the same this year. But decided not to. Call it a […]

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