
Things have been quiet around here for the last few months (here and on Twitter, Facebook and Yammer). I’ve been heads down and reasonably singly threaded on a work project that is finally seeing the light of day this morning.  This new micro-site on the Siemens PLM Software web site is setup to tell our story in the most direct and easy to understand way possible.  It shows the direction I hope to take our overall site in the next few month from a content and a design perspective.  Now that it’s out there, I am sure there will be little things (hopefully no big ones) that we need to fix, but I think the hard work of birthing the site is over.  To be fair, I had the relatively easy job in the whole process – Joslyn, Ryan, Ben, April, Chris and John all did the hard work.  Now off to get the same site up in 18 different languages around the world…and hopefully get back to participating in the conversation a bit more – there’s lot’s to talk about!






2 responses to “Re-emerging”

  1. Chris Williams Avatar

    hey the new site really looks nice. very clean and great graphics. well done!

  2. Keith Phillips Avatar
    Keith Phillips

    Chris….I really like the Hypersite for Siemens PLM Software. It has a very modern look and feel that grabs your attention. Great job!

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