There's a new sheriff in town


And this is him:

We bought a new horse this weekend.  We’re going to pick him up on Wednesday.  After looking for a few months and having essentially a closed deal last weekend that fell through, we traveled down to Cynthiana over the weekend and got a visit the current owners of New Sheriff in Town (I think we’ll just call him Sheriff).  He is 7 years old and came out of a mare that they had, so they have raised him themselves.  He is a really well trained horse and has a wonderful jog and canter.  He’ll end up being my daughters horse, but we’ll all probably ride him to start.  The herd is now up to 3.  Probably get one more this year or next and then we’ll stop – only room for so many in the barn and in the pastures.
I’ll post a few more pics when we get him back to the farm on Wednesday night.  Hopefully Levi and Goliath will be on their best behavior.

Baby’s Day Out psp






3 responses to “There's a new sheriff in town”

  1. Linda Eskin, UI Geek Avatar

    And I’m green with envy over your green grass. Our place (eastern San Diego County) is all dust.
    Give the new Sheriff a scritch on the withers for me.

  2. Chris Avatar

    He is indeed. We had a really bad year last year with a drought, so this year is a welcome change. It’s been a welcome change this year with rain every 10 days or so.

  3. Linda Eskin, UI Geek Avatar

    We’re expecting rain sometime in November or so. LOL I let the critters out of their dry-lot pen to play in the yard in the am/pm. Since there’s no grazing to be had I just put hay piles where the “lawn” would be, and they think they’re having a special little picnic. Even hay must taste better when eaten out in the yard. (They just got a cut-up orange, too. They don’t have it too bad.)

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