WordPress automatic upgrade


So this is somewhat of a ‘test’ post, but since I am having to create it because something is broken on my blog, I thought I would take the time to actually bitch about what is broken.  I found out about the WordPress Automatic upgrade plugin a few months ago and actually tried it for a simple upgrade from one 2.1 subversion to another and then used it quite successfully to go from 2.x to 2.5, with one exception: it didn’t reactivate any of my plugins.  This is a problem because I have a number of plugins installed that I don’t have active – now maybe I should uninstall these – but for various reasons I haven’t.  When all of them are inactive, I can’t remember which ones to reactivate…and have to screw around for a while getting things reset correctly, wasting all the time I saved in using the upgrade tool.
So, hopefully this will post will show that I have actually tuned everything back on correctly…and maybe someone can tell me what I am doing wrong or if the wordpress auto upgrade is actually broken.






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