Conversation starters

I was asked to give the opening pres at our global marketing staff meeting last week on the topic of social media. I am already starting to hate that term, but went ahead and tried to put something together about why things are changing and why we need to be ready to change with them. I have made a couple of pitches before about ‘what’ we should be doing, but this one was different because it focused on why.

The reaction was very positive and there was a lot of good conversation during and after the discussion. I think I got through and we will be changing things up here. Small to start, but I imagine it will snowball. Special thanks to many Flickr users, Seth Godin for Meatball Sundae, the Cluetrain crew and Slideshare users.






2 responses to “Conversation starters”

  1. Scott Avatar

    Interesting presentation… agree on the terminology though… social media/social production etc. In a sense I can see it strictly as Marketing, but think that if it’s just bundled under that, it will not garner the strength it needs to become a real business focus.

  2. Fleep Avatar

    Love the slides! Wish I could have seen your presentation, and even though your focus was on marketing, I think you could switch out students for customers and it would be just as appropriate for an educational audience. Learning as guided conversation shouldn’t have gone out of style with Socrates!

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