Pres from ReadWriteWeb at Media08

Good short deck. How many webmasters out there are really starting to think of their site as a package of web services?






3 responses to “Pres from ReadWriteWeb at Media08”

  1. […] I was reading my colleague Chris Kelley’s blog about slides from ReadWriteWeb. They give a very clear view into Web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.  And then, in a matter of 3 hours, another […]

  2. Dick Hirsch Avatar

    Hi Chris,
    This is one of the main suggestions from Tim O’Reily’s Keynote at the SAP Teched in Las Vegas. It is also the topic of the book “The Mashup Corporation”.
    The most interesting question is how do companies select the services they offer. These services must add value for their customers as well as their internal processes.

  3. Chris Avatar

    I see things moving towards a model where there is no distinguishable line between the conversation that happens between a potential user and a company and the eventual use of the products. A company provides valuable information that interests customers that they can consume however they choose (feeds, email, etc.). At some point the user starts to actually use the company's product and then they are all in. Maybe that's the model for continuous partial attention based sales…

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