Is Google testing a Second Life style virtual world? – Download Squad


Well of course they are.  I’m not convinced that this ASU beta is necessarily a beta test for it.  However, I am absolutely sure that Google is somewhere working on a virtual world.  Why?  5 reasons:

  1. It only makes sense given their well know 20% model for developers.  Surely somewhere across the great expanse of really smart Google developers, someone has decided they really want to work on virtual worlds.  I’d be that its actually more than one.
  2. They have a lot of assets that play in the 3D web space.  Not just Google Earth mentioned in the article, but also Sketchup that would give a far easier path to user generated content n 3D worlds than anything else out there.
  3. It fits with their overall search and advertising model.  Imagine walking down a virtual street and seeing a virtual billboard.  Of course the billboard I see would be different than the on you would see based on our search and visit history.  And if anyone from Google happens to stop by…drop me a comment, we’ve got something that’ll help you with the whole search for 3D thing.

Is Google testing a Second Life style virtual world? – Download Squad






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