(Posted for a friend): Odds on new UK coach

I’m posting this for a friend who thinks he should have a blog, but for whatever reason won’t set one up. What do you think? Should Keith start his own?
These are the odds of who the University of Kentucky’s new head coach will be after the departure yesterday of Tubby Smith:

Billy Donovan – 4:1 UK fans have always thought Billy the Kid was the heir apparent; the fact he is a Pitino disciple doesn’t seem to matter (though Rick is the focus of evil in the Big Blue Nation).  If he wins back-to-back titles at Florida, maybe he’s looking for a new challenge, like bringing the prestige back to a once-proud program.  But
probably not.
John Calipari – 7:1  This actually makes sense for both sides – Calipari needs to coach in a real conference, and UK fans would actually accept him.  Probably makes too much sense to happen.
Travis Ford – 4:1  The likely fallback plan.  Just as Carolina had to settle for Matt Doherty because he was “in the family” when Roy Williams said no the first time, Ford is the likely backup plan when all else fails.  The fans will accept him – at least until the Cards clean their clocks next season.
 Tom Crean – 8:1  He spent time at WKU as a Ralph Willard assistant “back in the day” so he has BEEN to Kentucky.  But he’s waiting for the Michigan State job.  Not coming.
Mark Few/Billy Gillespie/Sean Miller/guy at Winthrop – 15:1 This is also known as the “field” entry for horse racing fans.  Insert young, rising coach with no ties or connections to the area.  Or, just see who else Michigan has contacted.
John Pelphrey – 10:1  The backup to Travis Ford.  Rumor is he is the second choice on South Florida’s coaching list.  Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Pat Riley – 25:1  Yeah, and Barnhart was thisclose to getting Parcells to coach the football team.
Dan Issel – 30:1  You know he would take the job.  And he’s got head coaching experience.
Bruce Pearl – 40:1  He did sign Chris Lofton.
Rick Majerus – 35:1  UK teams have needed help with the Oh-fense for several years now.
Rick Barnes/Steve Lavin – 40:1  This is a dual entry because between the two of them they couldn’t outcoach me and Combs in the 8th grade Catholic league.
Leonard Hamilton – 35:1  You have to give me some credit for this one.  Hamilton was a UK assistant to Joe B. in the Joe B. “Golden Years.”  Is a solid, established head coach.  They could do a lot worse – you know, such as the guy they’ll eventually hire.
Thad Matta – 40:1  Why would Thad even think about this?  He wouldn’t.
Rex Chapman – 50:1  Ahh.  King Rex.  The Legend.  He’s a GM in the NBA – he’s qualified.  Maybe he could re-open “3’s” if he moves back to town.
 Richie Farmer – 75:1  At least the talk show callers wouldn’t have to ask if “Richie is going to start tonight.”
Scott Sutton – 40:1  No no.  Not Sean Sutton, the OK State coach.  I mean Scott Sutton, the more accomplished Sutton coaching brother and son of Eddie.  Has done a nice job at Oral Roberts.  In line for a promotion.  Can help restore the good name of the Sutton family in
Duane Casey – 50:1  He’s got UK connections, and he knows how to, uhh, recruit.  Also head coaching experience.  And available.  Bret Bearup could be recruiting coordinator.
 Rick Pitino – 100:1  What would a coaching rumor mill be without a UL coach in the mix?  Perhaps Bobby Petrino is interested, too? (Oh wait, he finally did leave – sorry).






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