Team dynamics

OK third time I’m trying to get this post done.  Not sure what keeps happening, but for some reason when I try to post, the main body blanks out.  Anyway, here is a slightly abbreviated version of what I wrote the first two times:

I spent the last few days in some senior management meetings with my company.  It was the first time we have gotten the entire senior management team together since we emerged as an independant company over a year ago.  It was at once a refereshing and a frustrating experience.  It was frustrating because with that many smart, type A people in the room, it was difficult to make any progress.  Refreshing because it makes me realize the potential we have to really do well in our industry because there is really nothing we can’t do if we put our collective mind to it.

To let off some steam last night, a few of us on the marketing team headed to downtown Dallas and ended up in a place called Lower Ellum.  It was really seedy, proved out by the fact that there were more tatoo parlors than bars…and there was no shortage of bars.  The picture in this post should give you an idea of the character of the place.  We ended up at a dive with cheap cover, great bands, good people and $3 beer.  Had a great time, especially listening to one band, Rock Ness Monster, which did a set that consisted of about 20 songs “mixed” together.  Overall very entertaining.






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