Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…

  • The paradox of innovation in the corporation

    I’ve spent a lot of time with customers this week at our European users group.  Its amazing to me all of the wonderfully interesting things that our customers are doing with our products.  It was also amazing to me how much the message of innovation has taken hold.  I guess the ‘stickiness’ of the innovation…

  • Do alliance managers have to be two-faced?

    I was sitting in an airport bar last week and struck up a conversation with the guy on the stool next two me. It turned out we both run the alliance teams for our particular companies, me in the PLM IT space, and him in the bio-medical space. After going through a few (very few)…

  • Innovation is a Team Sport Podcast: Keith Jeacock, Theorem Solutions

    Last bit of audio from PLM Europe. This is Keith Jeacock from Theorem Solutions, a JT Open Vendor member talking about why they participate in JT Open. Keith has been in the industry for a while and has some unique perspectives about what does and doesn’t work when it comes to open data standards.

  • Innovation is a Team Sport Podcast: Mark Matousek, UGS

    Sorry for being so slow in getting this audio up…as you may have seen the EVDO in Seattle let me down.  This is the final presentation in the Innovation is a Team Sport track at PLM Europe and features Mark Matousek talking about our experiences with the JT Open program so far and what see…

  • Spamalot

    DeAnna and I went the second of our broadway series plays last night at the Aranoff to see Spamalot.  Being a big Monty Python fan, I had high expectations and they were exceeded.  There were more laugh out loud moments that I can count.  Even one where I think I was the only one laughing…

  • Finally, a simple picture that explains it all.

    Xark!: How the Internets work

  • Ebay is broken (the model, not the site)

    I have just had the worst experience on Ebay in the last two weeks. I had listed a item for sale a few weeks ago and almost immediately someone hit the ‘buy it now’ option. Unfortunately they wanted me to send it to Nigeria, which is an obvious scam. So i went through the uneedlessly…

  • Verizon EVDO…not ready for prime time

    Heading home today from Seattle and I have to say I was completely disappointed in my Verizon EVDO service.  In many places (the airport, the Microsoft campus, my hotel in downtown Bellvue) I caould get no signal at all and in the few places I could, I could never connect because I kept getting a…

  • The thrill and agony of being a Microsoft partner

    Joe Wilcox has a great post on something I have written on a few times.  For an ISV, Microsoft can be like a Siren: they sing a great tune, but sometimes they send you crashing into the rocks.  While they haven’t made direct moves into our space (yet?) they have made it harder to do…