Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…
Another online format converter
.!. I’ve written about another one of these before but this is a nice looking media converter that supports files up to 100 MB. Not too useful for video, but picture and audio formats would work well on this. Zamzar – Free online file conversion
Google releases another mobile application
Google has done it again and released another killer app for the mobile platform. This time it’s a small Java based app that will run on a variety of cell phones and provides an even better gmail experience that the mobile browser version (which is pretty good BTW). I was able to get this installed…
Happy Halloween
.!. From the sorceress and Gandalf the Gray.
SocialText does Sharepoint
I have been playing around with the free version of SocialText on my home webserver for a few weeks and I have to say it is the way to go in a corporate environment. My problem to this point has been how to convince anyone in corporate IT to actually set-up a server (virtual or…
I'll never need a power outlet again!
I got this in last week, but was having some problems so I didn’t post until I had everything worked out. The “this” I’m talking about is a BatteryGeek external battery for my HP TC4400. I had been looking at the extra-long life batteries that connected directly to the tablet, but decided that since it…
I hate the time change!
.!. First day of work after the time change and I remember now why I hate it so much. Coming to work in the day light is OK, but going home in the dark absolutely sucks. I guess there is some good news though on the horizon through: DST begins almost 3 weeks earlier next…
Another football game
I went to see another Bengal’s game this weekend. I didn’t ask John to go with me as I was afraid he might kill himself on the stairs. To be honest the real reason was I actually got DeAnna to come with me. I’m not sure if that’s because I was going or because one…
Test of new digital video camera: Creative DiviCam 428
As I mentioned in a previous post, I just got a new very simple (i.e. cheap) digital video camera, the Creative DiviCam 428. It’s not sold in the states, so I contacted a friend of mine who lives in Japan and asked him if he could pick one up for me. As luck would have…
CADwire: Alibre to bundle Acrobat 3D
Just saw this story from Randall Newton at CADwire.net on the bundling of Acrobat 3D in every seat of Alibre. I get why it’s a big deal from a publishing standpoint (everyone has Acrobat on their desktop), but I’m not quite sure I agree with the point that Mr. Newton tries to make about this…