Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…
Thank you Vontaze Burfict
I developed my addiction to pro football and cheering for the hometown Bengals later in life, somewhere in my mid-twenties. Count it among the number of ways that I was a late bloomer. Since then, I’ve gotten deeper and deeper into it. Scheduling my Sundays so I could watch games (it’s never the same if…
GoPro video from January IDPA Match
I finally remembered to take my GoPro to this past weekend’s IDPA match. Unfortunately I remembered about 20 minutes before I left so I only got about 30% charge, which means I only capture two of the four stages. I shot pretty well on these two, although I bobbled on the tactical sequence at the…
Should I stay (dry) or should I go (wet)?
Yep, I voted. I broke my self imposed lifetime ban and voted in the special session called on a single issue for just my county: should it be legal to sell alcohol in Grant County. I voted yes, of course because I would like to drive less when I am out of wine or bourbon,…
Distracted from distraction by distraction
I ran across a small quote from Four Quartets from T.S. Eliot. Looking up the whole thing, I found the opening of part III to speak to me. Amazing how poetry can do that through the ages. Here is a place of disaffection Time before and time after In a dim light: neither daylight Investing…
My new range toy
Usually that title goes for things that send things down range. In this case I’m refering to something that you send things towards down range.
90 second book review: Waking up to the dark
At last a book that made it into my to read pile from something other than a podcast (although I must admit that I think I at least heard of the research mentioned at the start of the book on a podcast at some point): Waking Up to the Dark – Ancient Wisdom for a…
Interesting essay from RAW
https://c4ss.org/content/41386 Had not heard if E-prime before. The corruption of good and bad into good and evil does ring true to me.
They forgot one…
The county I live in (Grant) is dry (no alcohol sales) but there is a special vote on Dec 22nd to put it to the public to see we want to go wet. I got this in the mail today: A list of all the bad things that will happen if we go wet. I…
90 Second Book Review: Influence
Influence made it onto my to read pile from listening to some now forgotten episode of the Tim Ferriss podcast. It actually may have been a few episodes that I listened to in close proximity. Each time it was referenced as one that “everyone” has read and since I hadn’t I added it to my…