Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…

  • I just booked a castle

    I love AirBNB.  I just booked a castle for our trip to Ireland this summer!  

  • Neil Gaiman: Make Good Art

    If you are an artist or a fan of the arts, take 20 minutes and watch this from the great Neil Gaiman.  Directly related to one of the audio books I am listening to right now.

  • Giving up

    Just as I’m not one for resolutions, I’m not one for giving things up for lent. But an idea got stuck in my head about midway through the year, so I’m going to give it a go. For the next 40 days starting tomorrow, I’m giving up complaining.  This is a somewhat objective thing, so…

  • Local IDPA Match video from this weekend

    Busy weekend started off with the local IDPA match.  I am the match director for this match, which means that normally I come up with the stage descriptions.  However, one of the regular particiapants (and an MD from another local match) asked if he could supply the descriptions this time so that he could make…

  • Best of show

    Kendall racked up quite the awards at her art show today. Best of show overall: 1st in Pencil: 2nd in Watercolor: There might just be something to this whole genetics thing.

  • Paper catharsis

    Tonight I shredded 115 lbs of documents. Nearly 20 years of receipts, paid bills, report cards, pay stubs and medical records dating all the way back to our first year of marriage. Each year accumulated in a box. Each box accumulated on a shelf. For 20 years. I’m not sure when I realized I didn’t…

  • Resolutions

    Yeah, I know I’m a month late.  But I wanted to make sure I was going to actually keep up with them before I posted them.  I know what you are thinking: shouldn’t you post about them before you start to hold you accountable?  Sure, that’s one way to do it.  I’m doing it a…

  • Who had the worst day, Glass or Watney?

    We went to see The Revenant last night (small spoiler alert for below).  It was the third movie in a row we’ve been to that was packed, so we ended up having to sit in the first few rows.  A few weeks ago we saw the recent Star Wars film in similar conditions and a few…

  • Great expectations

    I’ve gained a lot from listening to the Tim Ferriss podcast over the last few months.  I will admit that when I first heard of his breakout book, I thought it sounded a little like snake oil sales.  After reading it, I changed my mind though and subscribed to his podcast.  It has been one…