Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…

  • Travel anxiety reduction in the age of the smart phone. 

    This post comes to you from seat 30D (yes…a middle aisle seat on a 767) of Delta flight 229 from Paris to Cincinnati. No, I didn’t spring for the crazy expensive expensive international wifi. Nope, they particular plane I am in is broken and awaiting a part so I decided to share some quick learnings…

  • Thought of the day from a stoic

    From Seneca’s 22nd letter (hat tip to Tim Ferriss): Men do not care how nobly they live, but only how long, although it is within the reach of every man to live nobly, but within no man’s power to live long. Sums up what I find so intriguing about stoicism in one sentence. 

  • Slow is fast, except when it isn't

    I shot an IDPA classifier this past weekend. It was a bit of a cluster.  I’ve been pretty busy so I had little time to prepare, much less practice, which resulted in me having to shoot my Glock 35 rather than the HK VP9 which I’ve been using as my match gun for the last…

  • 450 second book review: A quintet to clear the decks

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted any book reviews.  It’s not that I haven’t been reading…it’s just that I haven’t taken the time to write up my thoughts and impressions.  But no more.  With this post I am clearing out my backlog of book notes and clearing the decks.  In no particular order, here…

  • Sneak peak of my new toy making toy

    Longer write up coming later. 

  • Birthday reflection

    On the occasion of having been on earth for 25+ billion miles as it travels around the sun, here is the small bit of wisdom that occurred to me today: Nothing stays the same, so do your best to make it better. 

  • Trusting your tools

    I am an amateur beekeeper.  To be honest, the only thing I am professional at is being an amateur.  I had to get into my hives over the weekend and this is the first year that I’ve had a full bee suit – jacket with a hood, gloves, and pants.  I used it the for…

  • GoPro Video from April 2 2016 IDPA Match

    For your viewing pleasure, GoPro video from this weekend’s IPDA match at Lloyd’s WMA in Crittenden, KY.  It was a rough morning (truck died on the way to the match) and I had the normal distraction of setting things up and getting things going which comes along with being the match director, so when I…

  • Mahler's 9th

    Had a personal goal to make it back to the symphony this year. So here we are. Date night tonight and back in about a month with the kids for The Eroica.