Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…

  • Sold!

    For the first time in over 7 years, I find myself working for a privare company. No more quarterly reporting…no more stock options! I’m in these circumstances not exactly by choice, but it’s still fairly agreeable, especially considering the state of my former employer (although I wish you luck, all that are left behind). I…

  • Stuff

    There’s alot of things I “need”: GPS: I had one these a while ago, but Ebayed it because it didn’t work the way I thought it should. I think some of the new ones they have now, with the integrated maps, would come closer to what I need. Telescope: and not one of those cheap…

  • Going, going, gone…

    I work for a fairly large IT firm that hasn’t been doing so well lately. We’re doing a little better now than we were about a year ago, when our board decided to replace most of the upper management. Old tune was diversify, new guys tune is focus. And thus, the division I work in…

  • Howard Stern

    I don’t get into to politics too much (there seems to be enough blogs about that), but this one really irks me. As many of you probably have heard, Howard Stern is under fire again, and I must admit it’s mostly deserved and probably not completely unwanted by Howard himself (no such thing as bad…

  • CATS! Cats! Cats!

    For newfriends of mine that get to experience my behavior in the month of March, it can be quite upsetting. A pretty normal guy who works alot and doesn’t sit in front of the tube too much, suddenly becomes a work skipping, couchpotato. It’s all about the basketball. I can’t explain quite why I love…

  • Computing costs dropping through the floor

    As I am the only member of my family with a blog, I also happen to be the only member of my family that is called by every other member of my family to fix anything remotely resembling a computer. So it was that I found myself trying to install a brand new epson printer/scanner/fax/copier/card…

  • Wine Festival

    Went to the local wine festival this evening. Was a pretty good time. Had some good new wines, but really had a hard time obeying the rule about avoiding the wines you already know you like. What impressed me the most this time (having been once before) is the vatiety of people that really seem…

  • What car to buy?

    I hate buying new cars, but I LOVE new car shopping! Its been a couple years since I was last in the market for a new car, but my wife’s car of the last 5 years is starting to give out. Not to the point that I need to buy something right away, but it’s…

  • Thanks to tomster.org (and google)

    Thanks to tomster.org and google I was able to add the blogroll you now see on the right hand side of my site. Tomster wrote the original hack, but then his site went down, so I had to google it to find a cached version. Moral of the story: nothing goes away out there.