Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…
Just to complete the circle
Since I just did a Zombie post, I feel compelled to follow-up with a post on Pirate and Ninjas. Cool game, even if its just a demo for now. And this may be the only way we will ever be able to determine once and for all who will win. Ninja Loves Pirate
(Zombie) War of the worlds?
I was driving back from Columbus yesterday and tuned into the Cincinnati NPR station. The interview below came on and I have to say it was one of the funniest things I have heard on any NPR show in a long time. I can’t believe they author and the interviewer could stay straight for so…
Good sports weekeend
For two weekends in a row, both the college football team I follow (the Kentucky Wildcats) and the pro team (Cincinnati Bengals) both won. I can’t think of a stretch when that happened in the last few years. The Wildcats win was the most gratifying since they haven’t won their SEC opener since 1987. What’s…
Lock-in via openness
This is really clever. Fedex is opening up access to their systems so that 3rd party and in house developers can connect and get data. Once they do this they will be much more likely to use FEDEX services…and far less likely to care what their competitors websites have to say when they can get…
Scoble brings me back down to earth
I had seen a post on the AMD virtual trade show a few days ago and got really intrigued by the thought. I have been personally involved in orchestrating a few of our trade show presences and always have marvelled at the waste of money they seem to be. In many cases the few we…
Great analogies = understanding
While I find the message in Geoff Moore’s post to be compelling, I find the way he tells the story to be even more intersting. The analogies he uses compress what would take 5,000 words to convey into a 500 (or less). I knew there was a reason he was such a respected writer. Dealing_with_Darwin:…
First service on the TDI today
So I crossed the 5,000 mile mark today so I stopped by Champion VW in Florence to get my initial service today. To be honest, I was going to stop by Friday since I had more time, but I called them first thing and got a VM. Even though I left a message, I never…
Blog server went down for a while
As hopefully some of you noticed, my blog server went down for at least 24 hours. Not sure why, but since it was a SUnday and I don’t post too often on Sunday I didn’t notice until I was at work today and tried to make a few posts before starting work. I remember hearing…
I may finally get a few more converts
I have been using Mind Jet Mind Manager since version 4 and am a very big fan. I use it almost anytime I need to ‘compose’ something, whether it be a new program plan, a brochure or a presentation. I have used it a few times as an ongoing program dashboard, but mostly I use…