Author: Chris

  • Facebook update – potential PLM play?

    I haven’t been doing a lot with my facebook account for a while.  However I have been thinking about Facebook as a ‘platform’ (note the lower case p) for PLM applications.  The underlying social networks that Facebook is built on would be a killer way to gather requirements for new products aimed at specific niches,…

  • Blog rhythm

    For anyone keeping score, you may have noticed that my posts here seem to go in spurts.  I have a pretty constant stream of links on my and google reader sidebar, but I only seem to get the energy to post something on my blog every 10-14 days.  And once I start posting, it’s…

  • Death by Caffeine

    Might want to check out this out before you swing by starbuck’s the next time.  I think I’ll have to find a new favorite there…the redeye’s I drink would probably kill me in less than 10. Death by Caffeine

  • I'm one in a million

    .!. Some interesting stats gatheredon facebook from Shrel Isreal.  Since I’ve signed up for facebook I’ve used it more to learn about social networks than as an actual social network (I know that doesn’t make much sense, but that’s the best I can say it right now).  Now it seems that the network effect is…

  • Twitter – newbies guide

    .!. Good guide for those of you (like me) are still trying to figure out this whole Twitter thing. Newbies Guide to Twitter : []

  • GTD: Not a complete system?

    An interesting post today on O’reilly about one of the limits of GTD: it doesn’t have a rule for deciding if you actually want to take on the work or not.  The up front filter asks the question “Is this actionable”.  Maybe if it were changed to “Do I want to do anything with this?”…

  • Delta update

    I took my first trip since the dreaded return flight from N.Y.C. out of JFK in June this week. I had to fly down to Plano for a few meetings on Tuesday and stayed over night for a few more on Wednesday. I flew back last night and got a pleasant surprise in the form…

  • SAP tries PLM…again

    From the “the third time is a charm” file, SAP has announced yet another attempt to tackle the PLM market.  It’s great that the market segment gets the attention, but I questions SAP’s ability to execute here.  PLM is just too different from what they are good at.  Its too ‘miscellaneous’.  Its too dynamic.  Its…

  • Second Life just got a lot more interesting

    Not that it wasn’t interesting before, but now that voice is active all over SL, I think things are going to heat up.  One of the things I think has limited use as a collab platform is that until now you had to use text chat for most communications.  With voice now it becomes a…